
To go far.

There's an African proverb,

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◆To go fast, go alone. To go far, go together.

So far,

I've been working hard to go fast.

I've been reading, thinking, writing...

I didn't contact with friends very much,
I've been always turned down invitations to create "my time".


To achieve something, you need to create your own time and do something alone.

It helps you to achieve your personal goals fast.


I think our goal must be something that makes someone happy.

Something makes the world a better place.

It might be more important  than your personal goals.


It might be possible to achieve both making someone happy and making your dreams come true at the same time.

Let's go far.



I had an opportunity to wear suits a few days ago.

Wearing suits make me feel like someone else.

When I wear suits, I'm a businessman or may be a teacher.

When I wear uniforms, I'm a sportsman.

When I wear backpacks, I'm a traveler.

◆What you wear does matter.

What you wear
How you look

You feel different and people judge you by that.

My favorite American legal drama 


I have to buy season 4!!!!

Can't wait 



Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets.


Love the people who treat you right, who believe what you believe,

and forget about others who don't.

You're not wake up everyday to inspire them.

Don't waste your time by living someone else's life.

Live your life.



My lifetime mission 

To live as simple as possible.
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Here is my favorite talks.

*Less stuff, more happiness.

*Why I'm a weekday vegetarian.

We all know that having less stuff make us comfortable.

We all know that being vegetarian is better for the environment and for the animals. 

Give it a try.

Think simple.
Live simple.
Do simple.

Life is simple.
It's just people who make it complicated.

Keep it simple.


Live well.

● Think positively.
● Work hard.
● Eat healthy.
● Exercise daily.
● Build faith.
● Worry less.
● Smile more.
● Read more.
● Give freely.
● Pray sincerely.
● Relax often.
● Be happy.
● Love always.

*to Live well.
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Start with why.

◆Whatever you do, start with why.

Do you know why you do what you do?

The purpose, cause, or belief 
that inspires you to do what you do. 

This is "Golden circle" that shows how great leader think.

Whenever you want to achieve your goal, 

Ask yourself 

●Why you want to do that.
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●How can you achieve the goal?

●What can you do to get closer to the goal?

Here is great talk by Sinon Sinek. 

Start with why.

Be a great leader.


Feel it.

Feel it.

Cherish it.

Appreciate it.


You'll realize that you already have a lot of  precious things.

The things you can't buy no matter how rich you are.

Cherish every little things in your life.
Appreciate every second of your life.


You'll realize you are fulfilled.

You were already blessed. Lucky.


Do what you've always wanted to.

The things you've been thought you can not do because you are not fulfilled.

Start it, and people will cheer you, work for you.

The key to happiness is "to feel".

→ Appreciate.
→ Realize.
→ Happy.
→ Give.(Try.)
→ Success.
→ Give more...